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St Gregory's Catholic Primary School

'For every future, for every child'

Rotary Club

We're excited to announce that St Gregory's is taking part in the Thanet Rotary club annual Young Artist's festival!

This year, there are around 40 Thanet schools taking part with 780 entrants between the ages of 3 to 18 years old, so it should be a lovely exhibition!

Our EYFS and KEYSTAGE 1 students independently created some work around the theme 'WINGS' and our KEYSTAGE 2 students independently created work around the theme 'HEALTH and FOOD'.

We're proud to say that one piece of work has been chosen from each class, and that will be displayed at The Margate school (The Old Woolworth Building) address 31-33 High St, Margate CT9 1DX from Monday 29th May to Sunday 4th June, 10 am to 5 pm each day.

The exhibition will be judged over the weekend of 26th / 28th of May and schools will be notified of any winners and commendations on Monday 29th May. The prize-giving presentation (if we have any winners) is on Saturday 3rd of June at 12 noon at The Margate school.

All updates and information can be found on where the winners and commendations will also be announced.

We would like to say a special thank you to Miss McDaid for organising this for our children.
