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St Gregory's Catholic Primary School

'For every future, for every child'




Within Music we appreciate that most teachers are not musical experts and the school subscribe to a range of teaching resources to support pedagogy. We also link to Kent Music school for support with instrument-specific tuition and many of our pupils engage with additional lessons. 

We follow the National Curriculum.


In order to ensure a good level of implementation, staff are supported through verbal discussions to help them use the appropriate schemes of work; this helps guarantee a good music curriculum is being taught throughout the school.  The music coverage is routinely reviewed within school to develop staff understanding and knowledge. Our staff teach lessons using the national curriculum and Charanga music scheme to make sure children progress and learn musical knowledge which is then shown within the work they produce. Music is taught as a discrete subject and is also incorporated into other subject areas to aid learning.


The Charanga Music Scheme ensures that skills are taught in order, developing throughout the year groups, and are revisited and embedded throughout every year; each term’s lessons work through each of the key musical concepts. In addition to this, children have access to learn different musical instruments including xylophone, glockenspiel, recorder and guitar. The music curriculum is accessible for all children across the school. Many children with SEND, notably those with learning or behavioural difficulties, may be very responsive to music and it allows them a language through which to make sense of their emotions.  Skills are built upon each lesson so children have the opportunity to experience the key concepts. We liaise with other schools in the Trust to share and receive ideas that would benefit the teaching and learning in the school. 


Each Unit of Work with out units comprises the of strands of musical learning which correspond with the national curriculum for music


1. Listening and Appraising


2. Musical Activities

a. Warm-up Games

b. Optional Flexible Games

c. Singing

d. Playing instruments

e. Improvisation

f. Composition


3. Performing


 Weekly singing assemblies
Everyone sings at St Gregory's. We have weekly  singing assemblies which are an opportunity to appreciate the value and joy of collective singing as well as developing singing skills and part singing. Songs are selected for their musical value and  their differing aspects of tone and harmony as well as linking in with our school values and assembly themes.


Community and Cultural Links

Throughout the school year two local brass bands to perform to the children to celebrate activities in school and within the community. Children have the opportunity to participate in church concerts when the opportunities arise and we constantly strive to give the children new experiences through other mediums of music and organisations that visit the area. We are regular performers at local old people's homes for Christmas and wartime remembrance celebrations  


