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St Gregory's Catholic Primary School

'For every future, for every child'

Our Vision and Values

Our mission is that we want our children to follow in Jesus' footsteps and develop a:

Love of Learning

Love of One Another

Love of Our World

Love of God

At St Gregory's we strive to maintain a community family that is caring, tolerant, sharing, and vibrant. St Gregory’s is a wonderful place to belong. We aim to value each child for who they are, not what they can do. Everyone at St. Gregory’s is committed to providing a rich and challenging curriculum which fosters a love of learning in our pupils and their families.


Our vision is to educate our children to the highest possible standard, in a caring community which has the Gospel values, traditions and beliefs of the Catholic faith at the centre of everything that is done. Our children are very happy here and together with our families, the parish, and the wider community, we encourage our children to grow in confidence. we want them to become successful, happy and caring individuals who are ready to go out into the world and make a positive difference. 

Our Catholic faith is at the centre of everything we do at St. Gregory’s and so great care is taken to ensure that our RE programme is creative and cross-curricular. We follow ‘The Way, The Truth and The Life’ scheme of work supplemented by our own excellent resources for Christian and multi-faith study. Following Catholic values also offers many opportunities for helping children reflect, discuss and learn about personal, social and emotional issues. These skills are crucial to daily life if our world is to be a place where everyone is respected and valued and where individuals can develop a unique way of coping with the stresses of modern living.


St. Gregory’s takes every opportunity to build greater relationships between church, home and school. Staff members provide the children with plenty of opportunity for reflection and worship and this is demonstrated in thoughtful and powerful work produced by the children throughout the liturgical year.

Our Values
