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St Gregory's Catholic Primary School

'For every future, for every child'

Online Safety

Supporting children and parents with internet safety.

Being safe online (e-safety) is increasingly important as both adults and children alike live their lives through the internet. We ensure that children are reminded of the THINK rules (see below) before starting a lesson using the internet. However, most of the internet access that children have is outside of school and therefore we want to ensure all our families are aware of the importance of keeping safe online. 

The school subscribes to an online safety newsletter which we send to parent via class dojo



When children use the internet in school, we ask them to do so safely. The document below will be shared regularly with the children.


Should you become aware of an incident, threat or concern when using the Internet with your child, we would ask that you inform the school so that we can share the information with the rest of our community.

5 Internet Safety Tips for Kids

Sharing photos, posting comments, playing video games -- these are just a few of the ways that kids interact online, but sometimes there are risks. Learn fiv...

Pupil Online Acceptable Use Agreements


Children learn about Online Safety as part of the Computing Curriculum and the PHSE Curriculum.  Children in every class use the Acceptable Use Agreements to ensure they are safe when using technology.  Please see a copy of these below.

If you are worried and need any guidance, the links to website below may be helpful:


Has something happened online that has made you feel worried or unsafe?

If you or your child has been a victim of online abuse or you’re worried about somebody else, you can contact CEOP (Child Exploitation Online Protection) and let them know.

How can CEOP help you? (click here)


CEOP helps to keep children and young people safe online. CEOP helps thousands of children and young people every year who have been in a similar situation to you.

If something scary or bad has happened to you online they will talk to you to find out what has happened and to help you keep safe.

Open Days: Is your child starting school in September 2025? If so, why not look around our lovely school? Book a time via phone on 221896