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St Gregory's Catholic Primary School

'For every future, for every child'

Great Science Share June 2024

11th June 2024


We partnered up with the brilliant STEM hub and CCCU, to take part in The Great Science Share 2024. 


Schools from across the county attended, bringing with them products of wonderful scientific enquiries they had been carrying out at school. The importance of the event was to get our children talking and sharing their scientific work, like any good scientist would!


We began preparations for the event by getting our Year 4s to ask their own scientific questions, linked to the learning they had done in their lessons across the year. They then got to work considering not only how to answer these (method), but also what equipment they would require and how they would collect their data. They took great ownership over every aspect of the enquiry process.


Once ready, they went about conducting their enquiries and recording their data appropriately, in order to reach effective conclusions to support them to reach an answer. The children also had to carefully consider how they would then present their findings to other school children, selecting models, posters, graphs and more to do so!


The children had an excellent time and spoke with confidence and rich scientific knowledge, whilst also getting excited about the enquiries of others through asking questions to prompt understanding.

Open Day Tours: Tuesday 12th November 9.30am; Wednesday 13th November 4.30pm; 5.00pm; 5.30pm; Thursday 14th November 9.30am