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St Gregory's Catholic Primary School

'For every future, for every child'






At St Gregory’s, we recognise the prominence of science in our curriculum and everyday lives as we navigate the wonderful world that God has given us. In line with National Curriculum aims, our Science curriculum offers children opportunities to develop and foster a wealth of scientific knowledge, vocabulary and enquiry skills as they progress from EYFS to KS1 to KS2. In addition, we aspire to teach lessons that spark curiosity and enjoyment, leading to a lifelong appreciation for science, so the children can continue to explore the world with a scientific mindset long after they depart St Gregory’s.




Science is taught in KS1 and KS2 weekly with lessons planned to engage and promote active and curious learners through enquiry-based learning. Our carefully planned curriculum ensures coverage and whole school progression of substantive knowledge through a variety of topics such as: animals, including humans; electricity and light; evolution and inheritance; and Earth and space. In addition, knowledge organisers are utilised within each unit to support pupils in building a foundation of factual knowledge by encouraging recall of key facts, concepts and vocabulary.

Science lessons are also rooted in the teaching and application of disciplinary knowledge, also known as enquiry skills. During practical lessons, children are given the opportunities to master these skills with a range of equipment, with each lesson having a skill focus to ensure coverage of each skill throughout the unit and their school career. During KS1, the children’s application of the enquiry skills may be more supported, with the goal of them developing independence as they progress into KS2.



Teachers use precise questioning in class to test knowledge and skills and assess regularly to identify those children who need support in achieving their full potential.




As a result of our curriculum, children at St Gregory’s develop a love of science and an increased understanding of the impact that the subject can have on their own and others’ lives. They can demonstrate a clear progression of knowledge and skills in Science and have an understanding of how Science can be used to benefit society.


Our teaching ensures that they become resourceful learners who develop independent thinking and questioning skills by the time they leave our school and they go to secondary school with a good scientific knowledge on which to base their deeper learning. In addition, our children also develop an understanding of the importance of caring for the environment and being stewards of our wonderful world.


Teachers feel confident to assess in science through formative and summative assessment during and after the unit which alongside discussions and written work, support accuracy of data.

What does Science at St Gregory's look like?

St Gregory's taking Science to the next level...



Calling all parents and carers...



Are there any parents/carers out there with a Scientific or Engineering background who would be willing to come into school and answer questions from our children about their jobs?


We would like to start 'Engage with an Engineer' and 'Speak with a Scientist' workshops so children can gain a deeper insight into specific careers with a Science background.


If you are interested, please contact Miss Campbell or the school office or alternatively send an email to:
