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St Gregory's Catholic Primary School

'For every future, for every child'



At St Gregory's we aim to ensure that children grow to love writing in the same way they love reading.


We place emphasis on improving and editing our writing throughout the process producing aspirational pieces. Our reading and writing curriculum are inextricably linked ensuring that connections are made. At the heart of our writing curriculum are high expectations from all ensuring that we provide language-rich environments which provide ongoing opportunities.


It is our intention that every child will leave St Gregory's as a writer. We want all our children to  be able to confidentially communicate their ideas, knowledge, and emotions through their own writing.


We aim for the children to be able to transfer their knowledge from reading and SPaG to write cohesive and interesting pieces applying their knowledge of spelling, punctuation, and grammar.


We want all our pupils to acquire a vast array of vocabulary which they both comprehend and use effectively in their own pieces.


Furthermore, we want them to write clearly, accurately, coherently, and creatively adapting their language and style for a range of meaningful contexts, purposes, and audiences. Through explicitly taught handwriting, spelling and grammar sessions children can understand the conventions of writing and manipulate language to create effects for the reader.


Children will be able to present their work in a variety of ways taking pride in their outcomes; they will also write for a variety of genres in both English lessons and across the wider curriculum. Through our text-based curriculum children will transfer skills learnt into their own writing and will acquire and learn the skills needed to plan, draft, and refine their own work. Over time, and through encouragement, they will become independent in being able to identify their own areas for improvement in all pieces of writing.



During English lessons, the use of high-quality, vocabulary-rich texts is key in teaching the core skills in line with the expectations of the National Curriculum through a combination of approaches/opportunities. These include:

❖ Shared writing

❖ Guided writing

❖ Whole class modelled writing

❖ Independent writing

❖ Paired writing

❖ Writing different text types and narrative styles

❖ Writing across a variety of curriculum areas

❖ Drama 18

❖ Using art and music as a stimuli

❖ Outdoor learning opportunities

❖ Unpicking a WAGOLL (What A Good One Looks Like)

❖ Planning, drafting, editing, improving, and publishing



Our children will have the knowledge and skills to be able to write for both a range of audiences and purposes successfully.

Children will become confident writers and will have the ability to plan, draft, and edit their own work.

By the end of Key Stage 2 our children will be writers and will have honed their craft manipulating language, grammar, and punctuation to create effect and do this across the curriculum showing that they are able to transfer their skills.

Open Day Tours: Tuesday 12th November 9.30am; Wednesday 13th November 4.30pm; 5.00pm; 5.30pm; Thursday 14th November 9.30am