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St Gregory's Catholic Primary School

'For every future, for every child'

Our Curriculum

St Gregory's Statement of Curriculum Intent

KCSP Statement of Curriculum Intent


In accordance with KCSP’s shared vision and strategy, our core purpose is focused on a curriculum that is underpinned by Gospel values and in particular by John Chapter 10 Verse 10: ‘I have come that they shall have life and have it to the full.'


At St Gregory’s we believe that our curriculum should be child-centered, focusing on the needs and interests of children through teaching in a relevant, meaningful and purposeful way.  Our intention is that our curriculum will provide opportunities and experiences that will foster and inspire children to be independent learners who are also:


  • successful learners who enjoy learning, are curious, take risks and make progress and achieve
  • confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives
  • responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society


At St Gregory's we both admire and follow the aims of the National Curriculum. It clearly sets out the framework through which pupils are introduced to the essential knowledge that they need to be educated citizens. From the end of KS2, we break down key knowledge and reinforce this in a layered format across the time our pupils are with us.

The end result of a good, well-taught curriculum is that pupils know more and are able to do more. We also want them to remember more. These are the premises on which we build our curriculum. Knowledge is key to everything. We aim for children to build on prior knowledge and make learning connections to help them retain their learning. Within this, we think carefully about how to sequence learning, be that across key stage, within Year Group, inside each subject progression and within every lesson. We know that ‘If nothing in the long-term memory has been altered, nothing has been learned’ and have taken deliberate steps in our pedagogical approach to implement research-based initiatives linked to memory. 


We agree whole-heartedly with the DFE's aim to improve social mobility through education. Their pledge of 'No Community Left Behind' resounds here. Unemployment levels in Thanet are nearly twice those of the South East of England as a whole, and this has the potential to generate a cycle of disadvantage.  Wherever they are growing up, children will have multiple, overlapping needs. What we must never accept is that where a child starts determines where they will finish in education or in life. 

Our Curriculum Intent is centred around these drivers:


  • Opportunity: Our pupils don't always have access to the same opportunities others may enjoy. Many such opportunities require levels of finance, or travel, or additional adult support that are not available to all families within our demographic, particularly during this time of national  cost of living crisis.  Our curriculum is regularly enriched through trips, speakers, events and opportunities. Our extra-curricular programme of activities gives pupils opportunities outside the school day that they may not be able to access otherwise and through these experiences we aim to reduce social disadvantage. This is particularly important in our post-COVID world.


  • Diversity:  We believe this is an essential part of cultural capital. Understanding that we have differing beliefs, values and ways of life from others helps generate Mutual Respect and Tolerance. Our text-based curriculum features texts intentionally chosen for this purpose and this premise is continuouslt revvisited with PD, PSHE and RE, among others.


  • Community: We believe that building an effective community is essential. We have intentionally set out to build a community and our community spirit through the ethos we promote. We also want children to extend this community into our locality.  We feel it is important for pupils to learn about their local area and where they live and believe that this builds Respect, which is one of our Core Values.   


  • Preparation for next stages of education and life: If education is the best opportunity our children have of improving their life chances and future, then we must devote ourselves to a robustness within this to ensure our children 'rise up'


We regularly update and remodel our curriculum based on these premises, never accepting that what suits learners of previous years will always continue to be the most effective form of teaching and learning. Our curriculum is continually evolving so that it best suits the needs of ever-changing cohorts of learners.  Our aim is always to provide a stimulating, engaging and effective curriculum that enables all children to achieve their potential.


We echo the government’s desire for children to become ‘educated citizens’ and so advocate a curriculum rich in literacy, containing a range of differing and stimulating experiences. It aims to be enjoyable, inclusive and engaging. 


To gauge children’s opinions of the curriculum, regular pupil conferencing takes place. The positive responses from these prove that children enjoy engaging with the curriculum.


Across the entire curriculum literacy skills are intertwined within subjects. The school have high expectations upon children, aim for them to demonstrate their skills in all subjects and use all subjects as further opportunity to develop both English and Maths skills.


 A broad and balanced curriculum is also one of opportunity outside of school hours. The school run a plethora of extra-curricular opportunities in differing areas that engage a huge proportion of students across a year

EYFS Long Term Overview
