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St Gregory's Catholic Primary School

'For every future, for every child'




At St Gregory’s we are 1.5 form entry and have mixed age-group classes. This brings with it challenges that involve a curriculum cycle that needs to ensure every two-year phase can progress in an appropriate way by building on and reinforcing prior learning. Each two-year cycle progresses from what comes before, but within every two-year cycle units are carefully ordered to ensure that repetitive learning and building blocks for future learning are both in place


The National Curriculum organises the Design and Technology attainment targets under four subheadings: Design, Make, Evaluate, and Technical Knowledge. We have taken these subheadings to be our strands and our scheme has a clear progression of skills and knowledge within these strands.


  1. Design:  includes research, design criteria, idea generation and illustration; idea development, models and prototypes; DT diagrams; functional solutions for problems.
  2. Make: includes selecting and using tools and equipment effectively, selecting materials needed accurately and understanding the importance of Health and Safety
  3. Evaluate: involves exploring exiting products, evaluating against criteria and against the ideas of others, evaluate how key events and individuals have helped shape the world of DT; how to make improvements
  4. Technical Knowledge: links to the specific aspects of the specific projects


Cooking and Nutrition has a separate section, with a focus on specific principles, skills and techniques in food, where food comes from, diet and seasonality.


We have chosen 6 key areas to develop across the school, revisited with increasing complexity as pupils advance through the curriculum. Two of these areas appear only on KS2 because of the level of complexity and prior knowledge needed. These are:



How we have determined what we teach:


One of our curriculum drivers is OPPORTUNITY. We aim to create opportunity specifically for pupils that they may not be able to access outside of these walls, especially practical opportunity. We have had to make decisions linked to how we cover the curriculum in the time that we have and have determined that for our pupils a greater focus on ‘how mechanisms work’ and ‘cooking and nutrition’ are the most beneficial for their future and as such appear more often.


Everything starts in EYFS, where pupils develop the basic abilities needed to engage with the national curriculum for DT. Focused activities build important muscles and improve grip and dexterity, while continuous provision, exploration and play allows pupils to build and create projects that have aesthetic and purposeful qualities.


Lessons involve both independent and paired tasks  and activities in order to engage all learners. To support teachers the school buys onto a scheme of work which we adapt for our specific learners. The scheme comes with videos for teachers, webinars, videos to support learners, and step by step teaching guides. Knowledge organisers support pupils in building a foundation of factual knowledge.


Open Days: Is your child starting school in September 2025? If so, why not look around our lovely school? Book a time via phone on 221896