By the time children leave the school they will have have developed a level of competence across different sports and been able to access opportunities that may not be available to them otherwise.
They will understand the importance of being active and eating healthily to maintain their own health and know that physical activity can have a positive impact on their mental health
They will have developed a strong level of sportsmanship and fair play which we want them to take out into the wider world to make it a better place
Our pupils will have experienced competition and been able to apply skills and tactics they have learned . They will be able to do this as part of a team, learning how to communicate with others and work together. These communication skills will not only benefit them in school but also in the wider community and in later life as they transition into Secondary School.
The impact of competition and competitive sports allows them to cope with disappointments, being able to communicate in an appropriate manner and adhere to rules and regulations which will help our pupils manage challenges.