What is Assessment?
Assessment is used at St Gregory's for the following purposes:
For children, assessment should:
What does the information shared with me mean?
Parents asked for more information regarding how we assess the children and what the terms emerging, expected and exceeding mean for each year group.
Emerging— Yet to be secure in the end of year expectations.
Expected—Secure in the majority of the end of year expectations.
Exceeding—Secure in all the end of year expectations and is able to use and apply their knowledge and skills confidently.
Each child is assessed in terms of how well (emerging, expected or exceeding) they have achieved in all of the objectives for each subject.
Read, Write Inc
Children are assessed every six weeks to check the progress they are making in phonics and to see how fluently they can read. Depending on the progress made, children are likely to move into the next RWI group for the following term.
Phonics Screen
The government Phonics Screen tests children in Year 1 and those Year 2 children who did not pass the screen when they were in Year 1. These assessments take place in June.
Children in Y2 and Y6 take part in Key Stage tests during May. The tests comprise of reading, SPaG and maths. At present, writing is based upon teacher assessment.