The principal focus of science teaching in upper Key Stage 2 is to enable pupils to develop a deeper understanding of a wide range of scientific ideas. They should do this through:
- Planning different types of scientific enquiries to answer questions, including recognising and controlling variables where necessary
- Taking measurements, using a range of scientific equipment, with increasing accuracy and precision, taking repeat readings when appropriate
- Recording data and results of increasing complexity using scientific diagrams and labels, classification keys, tables, scatter graphs, bar and line graphs
- Using test results to make predictions to set up further comparative and fair tests
- Reporting and presenting findings from enquiries, including conclusions, causal relationships and explanations of and degree of trust in results, in oral and written forms such as displays and other presentations
- Identifying scientific evidence that has been used to support or refute ideas or arguments
These will be taught through the following topics:
- Living things and their habitats
- Animals including humans
- Properties and changes of materials
- Earth and Space
- Forces
- Evolution and Inheritance
- Light
- Electricity