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St Gregory's Catholic Primary School

'For every future, for every child'



How our Computing Curriculum is Structured:

At St Gregory’s we are 1.5 form entry and have mixed age-group classes. This brings with it challenges that involve a curriculum cycle that needs to ensure every two-year phase can progress in an appropriate way by building on and reinforcing prior learning. Each two-year cycle progresses from what comes before, but within every two-year cycle units are carefully ordered to ensure that repetitive learning and building blocks for future learning are both in place.

Addressing the Aims of the National Curriculum for Computing:

At St Gregory’s we follow the National Curriculum for Computing and we have based our curriculum on THREE key areas drawn from the National Curriculum:


Computer Science:   This is the core of Computing, through which pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. Within the aims of the National Curriculum this would relate to the following:

  • can understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation
  • can analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems


Information Technology (IT): This is the use of computer systems to manage, process, protect and exchange information. Within our curriculum we address this under 'Computing Systems and Networks' which focuses on identifying hardware and software while also exploring how computers connect and communicate with each other.


Within this strand we cover the National Curriculum aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • can evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems 


Digital Literacy: This can be described as: having the skills to effectively use technology, and the knowledge and skills to do so safely and responsibly as active participants ina  digital world. Online Safety - which is a huge part of the work we do in school - plays a big role within this and aims to ensure that the children understand the benfits and risks of being online, how to remain safe, how to keep personal information secure and recognise how and when to seek help in online situations. Within this strand we cover the National Curriculum aim of:

Ensuring  children are: responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information communication technology.


In addition, we incorporate other aspects of computing within our wider curriculum. Data Handling will appear within our Computing Curriculum, as will Creating Media, but is also prevalent through other subjects, as is the use of common MS programme that children will interact with throughout their education.


The programme of learning includes intrinsic links to Core and Foundation Subjects, where appropriate. Examples would be:


In Maths, the drawing of 2D shapes; handling of data; describing direction, position and movement, coordinates and basic angles in KS2.  In English this would include spoken scenarios online safety and related work; language of direction with clarity for purpose and vocab of course. In Science, the general use of technology for purpose is covered.  In Geography, the use of directional language and position; in History; finding out about Bletchley Park linked to our WWII work, are examples also.


Development of Data Handling skills takes place through other subjects including Maths and Science. Examples would include Pictograms in Y1+2; Science: Tables of results, graphing; finding the mean average & filtering of data for information, for example


Lessons involve both independent and paired tasks as well as unplugged and digital activities in order to engage all learners. To support teachers the school buys onto a scheme of work which we adapt for our specific learners. The scheme comes with videos for teachers, webinars, videos to support learners, and step by step teaching guides. Knowledge organisers support pupils in building a foundation of factual knowledge.


Online safety is a huge part of everyday school life . Alongside the computing curriculum, this is also revisited in whole school assemblies and within the RSE curriculum. The school also ensures it deals promptly with any online issues between pupils that occur outside of school and uses this as an opportunity to reinforce appropriate online safety and behaviours

Open Days: Is your child starting school in September 2025? If so, why not look around our lovely school? Book a time via phone on 221896