What Is Bullying?
Bullying is different from the typical disagreements or conflict that occur between friends, siblings or classmates.
What’s the difference?
It’s bullying if:
Someone is being hurt, harmed or humiliated with words or behaviour.
The behaviour is repeated, two or more times though it can be a single incident that involves more than one perpetrator or several victims.
It is being done intentionally.
The person being hurt finds it difficult to defend themselves from the behaviour.
The pupil(s) who are doing it have more power. – Power can be many things such as, social status, being older, being physically bigger or stronger or when a group of pupils gang up on others.
Bullying can be face to face, and online using a range of technology.
Questions to ask your child to establish if an incident in school sounds like bullying or other behaviours such as a disagreement, falling out or unkind behaviour:
What to do if you have a concern:
1. Report your concern to your child's class teacher.
2. Liaise with Mr Graham, our Designated Safeguarding Leader: noah.graham@st-gregorys-margate.kcsp.org.uk
3. Contact our Safeguarding Governance Committee Member
Parents may find these websites helpful: