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St Gregory's Catholic Primary School

'For every future, for every child'

Flu Jab

Information for parents and carers...

Children and young people flu clinics!

If your child is aged 5 to 16 and missed their flu vaccination at school (Year R to Year 11), you can now book an appointment at one of our clinics online.

These clinics are available to anyone aged 5 to 16 who are at school or home educated.

To book a flu appointment, just go to - it’s that simple!

If your child is aged 12 to 15 you can also book their COVID-19 vaccine online.

To book a COVID-19 appointment, just go to Book or manage a 1st or 2nd dose of the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine - NHS (

Open Days: Is your child starting school in September 2025? If so, why not look around our lovely school? Book a time via phone on 221896