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St Gregory's Catholic Primary School

'For every future, for every child'

How is my child prepared for moving into Year R or on to their next class?


In the summer term all children spend time with their new teacher. Before your child starts school the Reception teacher will visit their pre-school establishment as well as undertake a home visit. This helps your child to familiarise themselves with their new teacher. It is also an opportunity for a handover discussion with their nursery teachers. Your child will come into school for two visits before they start school.  ‘Transition Day’ is always an exciting day for the children in school from Reception to Year 5, as it gives everyone the opportunity to get to know each other before the start of the new academic year. In Year 6, the children visit their chosen secondary school for the whole day. We are aware that the transfer to “big” school can be both a worrying and exciting time. Year 6 teachers and the Heads of Year 7 meet to discuss the needs of all Year 6 pupils. This provides good opportunities to discuss or answer any relevant questions to make Y7 transition a smoother process for the pupils.
