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St Gregory's Catholic Primary School

'For every future, for every child'


Welcome to St Gregory's Catholic Primary School


I am both proud and excited to welcome you to St Gregory's Catholic Primary School.


At St Gregory's we want our pupils to learn, achieve and excel inspired by Gospel values, so that they can reflect God’s love in their everyday lives. 


As a Catholic School, we have a unique place in the local community with very close links to our Parish church. We aim for our school to reflect the Gospel Message and place Jesus Christ at the centre of everything we do by integrating Gospel values and the teachings of the Catholic Church into every aspect of learning. Because of this, great thought and effort goes into the education of nurture of our children as individuals. We also value the collective: the joy of working and learning in a  school that is bonded by common values. We recognise that each one of us has a special part to play in creating a better world and building up God’s Kingdom here on Earth.


Our school community has a core focus which we call  our Mission. Our Mission is that we want our children to follow in Jesus' footsteps and develop a:

Love of Learning

Love of One Another

Love of Our World

Love of God


Our parish is Ss Austin and Gregory in MargateFortunate to have extensive grounds and facilities, we stand proudly in the heart of our local community and are described by everyone as a school with a 'real family feel.'


At St Gregory's  we live and breathe our school values of Friendship, Forgiveness, Truthfulness, Thankfulness and Perseverance. We are a community that works together, finds joy together and supports each other. The school are part of the Kent Catholic Schools Partnership (KCSP) and Catholic values underpin every aspect of our life. You can find out more about the KCSP here.


At St Gregory's we want our school to be like a second home for our children. Our staff are exceptionally nurturing but also hold high expectations for pupils. We know that we need to ensure they use their time here well so that they can leave us ready to take their next steps both  in education and in life.


Mr D Walker












